
Organics Recycling Campaign #2

Not a seagull in sight?


Great Forest Australia





A second Organics campaign was green lighted: ‘Food Scraps are Not Waste: Add leftovers to the Organics’. This campaign acknowledges that uneaten food will be thrown away, but these scraps can now go into an Organics stream. Using common sayings or food puns, we capture the attention of customers carrying leftover food to the bin area. Campaign collateral developed includes logo, floor decals, bin wrap, tenancy posters, compactor poster, colouring sheet and lift screens.

Shopping centre poster for tenants

Floor decals

Set of floor decals use humour and word puns to encourage retail customers to add their food scraps to the Organics recycling.

Bin wrap

Shopping centre compactor area poster highlights the 'cycle of life' of food waste.

Colouring-in page designed to be available as a giveaway in food court areas.

So hard to decide – they’re all good.
Peter Hosking
Great Forest Australia

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